Catharanthus roseus (L) G. Don (syn. Vinca rosea (L), Lochnera rosea (L) Reichb) commonly known as Sadabahar or Periwinkle, belongs to the family Apocynaceae. The Periwinkle plant is attacked by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Kessler causing leaf blight disease. The genus Alternaria belongs to the family Dematiaceae of imperfect class Deuteromycetes. The fungus Alternaria alternata has a wide host range and infects a variety of crops. In the current paper a review on the leaf blight of periwinkle is described with reference to Some important diseases of periwinkle , symptomatology, survival of pathogen in host tissues, effect of age of host, age of culture and disease Control with fungicides
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don (syn. Vinca rosea (L), Lochnera rosea (L) Reichb. commonly known as Sadabahar or Periwinkle, belongs to the family Apocynaceae. The plant is a native of Madagascar and from there; it has spread to India, Indonesia, Indo-China, Philippines, South Africa, Israel, USA and other parts of the world. The plant is a handsome garden plant and flowers throughout the year. This gives the plant the name "Sadabahar" (Jain, 1968). The plant is an erect, evergreen, everblooming, perennial branched her-b, 45 to 120 cm tall. The stem and leaves contain milky latex. Flowers are rose pink, white and intermediate colored. Fruits are many seeded follicles (Battacharjee, 1998). Periwinkle suffers from many diseases including fungal, viral and phytoplasma diseases. In the current paper a review on the leaf blight of periwinkle is described with reference to some important diseases of periwinkle, symptomatology and survival of pathogen in host tissues, effect of age of host, age of culture, disease Control with fungicides. Since very little work has been done on Alternaria blight of periwinkle, the work done on Alternaria diseases from other hosts is being reviewed briefly. Several Periwinkle pathogens have been reported to cause various diseases on periwinkle (C. roses).
Periwinkle, Alternaria alternata, Leaf Blight
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