Biodiversity is an indispensable principal of living making the life style stable by offering clear, actual and potential resources needed to the prosper. It is an inclusive of all the life forms exists on the earth accountable for the amelioration of nature by embellishing the surroundings by benefaction of natural resources. This entity is mean to be the valuable source or essential environmental condition leads to the adaptation of different species. But, the material relationship of biodiversity with humans in course of resource utility taking it to the phase of extermination day by day. And the final sign is indicating the red zone entry to extinction of such valuable thing including the important species making the ecosystem cycles particular. It is an earth’s living resource giving the booster of oxygen to the economic growth of the state on the high rate. So, the conservation is needed and for that the steps of sustainability is demanded to save the heart of life. Otherwise, it is making a sin to the lives. This needs to understand, that everyone depend on biodiversity to breathe, for food to eat and even to get timber, fuel to the run the balanced lifestyle and on pharmaceuticals to fight the imperilment. Now a days, an alarming rate of destruction is happening due to the anthropogenic actions, resources mismanagement etc. To assure intra and intergenerational proprietorship, conservation of biodiversity seems to be prominent. There are various measure of biodiversity conservation aided by the government to minimize the stress upon biodiversity.
Biodiversity is an encyclopedic and absolute entity of all the life forms and extent of different varieties of nature. Biodiversity existing today is meant by the result of concept behind the power of its billion years of evolution. Biodiversity comprises the living varieties of flora, fauna and microbes and also referred as the system of gene variation they accommodate and ecosystem they devised. Despite of this, the derivation of biological resources stands in need for anthropogenesis and for the human livelihood in varying conformations are also the source of biodiversity itself. The resources needed for utilitarian are directly rooted from the biodiversity. Fisheries, medicine industry, nutrition enhancement, agroecosystems or even hopping pharmacies, all depend on the fruits of biodiversity. Somehow, the overexploitation of biological resources (or resources from biodiversity) leads the way to the declining of such valuable and chief factors. On the other hand, this causes the interruption on the maintained scale of equilibrium through which the expansive natural systems are diminishing day by day. The resources can be useful in diversified manner. Therefore, referred as the prominent characters responsible for country’s economic growth. Now, the wedge which is to contemplate for the furtherance and conservancy comes in front. The sustentation is desired and for that sustainability of the resources and their sources needs to be strictly cared by taking the imperial measures.
Resources, Economic Growth, Biodiversity Loss, Sustainability, Conservation, Measures, Economic Relationship, Impacts
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