Sixty sesame genotypes including three checks, AKT-64, AKT-101 and PKV-NT-11 for eleven quantitative characters evaluated at three locations and two season during summer 2018-19 and kharif-19 to measure the phenotypic diversity present in germplasm for overall (over locations and seasons) using Mahalanobis D2 technique for the identification of genetically diverse and agronomically superior genotypes that may further used in the hybridization programme. The mean sum of squares due to genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction found highly significant for all the characters under studied. Study showed that Clustering was not according to their origin. The Maximum intra cluster distance was found in cluster VIII (79.03). Utmost inter cluster distance was exhibited between cluster XI and XIII (487.08) followed by cluster XI and XII (349.69) and cluster XII and XIII (349.69) indicating the maximum divergence between the clusters. Cluster XIII having highest mean value for number of branches per plant, 1000- seed weight, oil content and seed yield per plant. Number of capsules per plant contributed maximum (28.14%) to the diversity
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) (2n = 26), also known as Til, is one of the important oilseed crop of India and world. It is commonly known as “Queen of oilseeds”. It plays an important role as an industrial food crop because of its high nutritional worth. The seeds of sesame contain 40 to 56 percent oil, which contains significant amount of oleic and linoleic acids. Sesame is the most neglected oil seed crop grown on marginal lands under poor management practices resulting in low yields. Additionally, the poor yield is due to the unavailability of cultivars to suit the diverse agroclimatic conditions. Hence development of improved high yielding cultivars adapted to local conditions has become top priority. The objective of this research was identifying suitable diverse parents for hybridization using the Mahalanobis D2 statistics is a unique tool to identifying the degree of genetic divergence in an experimental population and contributing characters. Material and Methods The experiment material comprises of sixty diverse germplasm lines of sesame including three checks evaluated at three location and two seasons
Sesame, Germplasm, Genetic Divergence, D2 Technique
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