A field trial was conducted during rabi season 2021-22 to study effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and varieties on growth and yield of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Two varieties V1 (Arka Nishant) and V2 (Pusa Desi) and 16 treatments i.e. T1: Arka Nishant + RDF, T2: Arka Nishant + Vermicompost, T3: Arka Nishant +FYM, T4: Arka Nishant + Poultry manure, T5: Arka Nishant + Bhumilabha, T6: Arka Nishant + Vermicompost (50%) + FYM (50%), T7: Arka Nishant + FYM (50%) + Poultrymanure (50%), T8: Arka Nishant + Poultrymanure(50%) + vermicompost(50%), T9: Pusa Desi + RDF, T10: Pusa Desi + Vermicompost, T11: Pusa Desi + FYM, T12: Pusa Desi + Poultry manure, T13: Pusa Desi + Bhumilabha, T14: Pusa Desi + Vermicompost (50%) + FYM (50%), T15: Pusa Desi + FYM (50%) + Poultry manure (50%), T16: Pusa Desi + Poultry manure (50%) + vermicompost (50%) were evaluated in Factorial Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. Result indicated that variety V1 (Arka Nishant) recorded maximum number of leaves, leaf area per plant (cm2 ), root length (cm) and yield per hectare except to root diameter as compare to V2 (Pusa Desi). Application of T8: Poultry manure (50%) + Vermicompost (50%) recorded the highest growth in terms of number of leaves, leaf area per plant (cm2 ), root length (cm), root diameter and yield per hectare of radish crop.
Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a root vegetable crop. It is cultivated as an annual or biennial plant and is a member of the family Brassicaceae and the genera Raphanus with a chromosome number of 2n=18. Radish is originated from Central and Western China, as well as from India. It is cultivated in India over an area of 2,03,000 ha with an annual production of 32,26,000 tonnes (Anonymous, 2022). In India, it is mainly grown in West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Maharashtra and Assam. Although radish is primarily a cool-season vegetable, Asiatic varieties may withstand warmer temperatures than European cultivars. Radish is grown for its young, tender tuberous root, which is used raw in salads or cooked in dishes like vegetables.
Organic Manure, Inorganic Manure, Radish, Varieties, Growth, Yield
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