Focusing on the H2 production for mitigating the negative and dangerous effects and impacts triggered by industrial processes, transport sector and other several scopes around the globe, at different scales, could have a great resonance from different domains, such as environment, economy, global health and social. Since energy is one of the main factors of production, investigating H2 production from thermochemical processes in the light of sustainability could offer a proficient response in terms of sustainability performance. Therefore, the present tends to study the thermochemical processes for the production of hydrogen by focusing on CO2 sorption by different sorbents and on sustainability domains assessment strictly correlated with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): in particular, the environmental index expressed as a Global Warming Potential (GWP) factor.
Renewable clean energy as a replacement for conventional fossil fuels has garnered a lot of attention recently in order to address the several environmental problems on a worldwide scale and meet the energy needs of modern society. H2 can play a vital role in the transition to a low-carbon economy, particularly in the energy, industry and transport sectors (Ji et al., 2018). The focus of the present research work consists of reporting some mean sets of chemical looping-based research approaches for hydrogen (H2) production aimed at responding to the sustainability goals. To better understanding the goal of this paper is relevant to mention that, as stated by (Ryu and Jin, 2007) hydrogen is the cleanest recyclable fuel that produces only water (H2O) when used as a fuel. Also, hydrogen is not a primary source of energy, since it is an intermediary form or a secondary form of energy. In the hydrogen energy system, it is faced that hydrogen can be produced from non-fossil energy sources and can be used in every application as a valuable substitute of the well-known fossil fuels. Such versatility of hydrogen is able to include it into the European Agenda 2030 targets as an attractive clean energy carrier. Thus, the production of hydrogen is part of the purposes aimed at the development and constant increase of sustainability in order to reach the ambitious net-zero CO2 emissions target by 2050.
Hydrogen, Thermochemical Processes, CO2 Sorption, Chemical-Looping, Clean Energy, Sustainability
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