A field experiment was conducted at the Research Farm, Department of Agricultural Science, Shridhar University, Pilani (Rajasthan) during the period from October, 2021 to November, 2022. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. The production methods showed significant influence on most of the parameters. The maximum seed yields (19.61 g/plant and 3137.93 kg/ha) were obtained from steckling method and the highest plant height (109.26 cm) was also observed from it. Sequential germination test of both Pusa Kesar and Pusa Meghali varieties showed that the percentage of germination was decreased with the passing of time from harvesting to next seed sowing time. Considering the combined effect the variety Pusa Kesar with 3 January planting time and steckling method showed the highest seed yield under the field condition.
The carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a member of the family Apiaceae (Peirce, 1987) and considered to be native of Mediterranean region (Shinohara, 1984) and its cultivation as a crop also began in that region. Carrot is one of the most ancient vegetables grown all over the temperate regions in spring, summer and autumn. But in tropical and sub-tropical countries, carrots are produced during winter. Time of planting is an important factor for the quality carrot seed production (Srivastava et al., 1976). The proper planting time depends on the existing cropping pattern and prevailing environment. It is the key factor for successful carrot seed production. Carrot is a biennial crop and its seed production is greatly influenced by temperature (Bose and Some 1986). It requires adequate periods of cool temperature (vernalization) for flowering and seed production. Carrots should have sufficient vegetative growth prior to cool temperature exposure as vernalization successfully induces flower formation. Early planting causes winter killing or late season pest infestations. Planting too late results in a lack of vernalization, this limits flowering and thus reduces seed yield. Growers tend to manipulate planting time in order to obtain better growth, more flower formation and finally higher production of quality seed.
Seed Yield, Steckling Method, Germination Test, Planting Time
Bose, T. K., Some, M. G. (1990) Vegetable crops in India, Naya Prakash, Calcutta, India, pp: 408-442. Gomez, K. A., Gomez, A. A. (1984) Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research, Second Edition A Wily Inter Science Publication, Jhon Wiley and Sons, New York, pp: 680. Malik, Y. S., Singh, K. P., Yadav, P. S. (1988) Effect of spacing and number of umbels on yield and quality of seed in carrot (Datucus carota), Seed Research, 11(1)63. Peirce, L. C. (1987) Vegetable characteristics, Production and Marketing, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, pp: 251-252. Shinohara, S. (1984) Vegetable seed production Technology of Japan, Volume 1 Shinohara Authorized Agricultural Consulting Engineering Office, 4-7- 7, N, Nishioris Shingapore- KV, Tokyo, pp: 123-142.