A clinical case of cervico-vaginal prolapse was recorded in seven years old Holstein Friesian crossbred cows. Pre Partum Cervico-vaginal prolapse i.e. eversion of vagina along with cervix is a common in pluriparous cows in last trimester of pregnancy. The present case reports the successful therapeutic management of cervico-vaginal prolapse in seven years old Holstein Friesian Crossbred cow.
Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse is one of the major gestational complications in crossbred cows, especially in pluriparous cows and buffaloes. It occurs due to relaxation of pelvic ligaments and associated muscles in late gestation. The predisposing factors of Pre-partum CervicoVaginal Prolapse are increased intra-abdominal pressure due to highly gravid uterus, distension of rumen due to severe bloat or tympani, raised blood estrogen and relax in hormone level in late pregnancy, lack of optimum exercise, mineral deficiency, hypocalcaemia, grazing in hilly areas, twin pregnancy etc. It may have multiple etiologies but estrogen production from placenta during last trimester of pregnancy in cattle results into relaxation of pelvic ligament, sphincter and associated muscle are most likely propositions (Roberts, 1971; Sharma et al., 1977; Arthur et al., 1989; Galhotra et al., 1991; Tyagi et al., 2002). It also seems to have hereditary predisposition (Purohit, 2012) and is likely to reoccur in subsequent pregnancies. It starts with intussusceptions or folding of vaginal floor near vestibule-vaginal junction.
Pre-Partum, Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse, Therapeutic Management, Pluriparous Cow, Estrogen
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